Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fergie in Brazil: Singer worked as a DJ in Florianopolis and does not rule out the possibility of a duet with Ivete Sangalo

Fergie was the highlight on the evening of Friday, 17, Carnival Music Park, located in the entertainment complex Jurere in Florianopolis. Without his fellow Black Eyed Peas, the blonde took over the turntables of DJ booth, singing his greatest hits and has interacted extensively with the public.

Shortly before the show, Fergie gave an interview to the Daily Catarinense and revealed the influence of Brazilian music in your music. She pointed out the figures of Gilberto Gil and Ivete Sangalo, whom he called strong woman. "It's the kind of woman I admire." He said. The muse, which has the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro as the next step in their agenda, also said he would love to partner with the diva. Fergie would not reveal how long will stay in Brazil.

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