Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gusttavo Lima receives award in Holland for 'Tchê tcherere tchê tchê'

Gusttavo Lima recebe prêmio de Gerard Zwart, diretor da Top 40 awards, na Holanda (Foto: Divulgação)
In his first tour in Europe, Gusttavo Lima received in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, award for the song "Balada".

The success achieved record that was not broken for 15 years. The music turned 13 weeks at number one on the country charts.

The award was presented by Gerard Zwart, director of the Top 40 awards, the company responsible for gauging a major charts in Holland. "I am very happy to see my music beyond the borders of our country, I thank my many fans. I want to lead Brazil to the world! "Thanked Gusttavo Lima in a statement.

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