Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back in Buenos Aires, Ivete Sangalo is "Carnival Night" in concert sold out

The night this Friday (10) 14 degrees of temperature in Buenos Aires was a carnival and fanaticism in one of the most important venues in the city, where more than 8000 people have been giving the show Ivete Sangalo, who returned Argentina to eleven years after his last performance in the country.

Most of the crowd that packed the Luna Park arena in the downtown area, was formed by Argentina, and among them, we could identify at least two members of fan clubs sites Bahia. After the presentation, while dozens of fans surrounded the entrance of the singer's dressing room, almost a hundred jostling in the output, including around the car that would take away from the arena.

With a performance of almost two and a half hours, Ivete burned the Luna Park with a parade of hits, putting Buenos Aires to train and dance to the ground, as in an authentic Bahian carnival. Soon the explosive opening to "Brasileiro", in which the screen displays images emblematic of the country, the singer changed some of the verses to Eu sou argentino" and won the public face, that throughout the show never tired of calling for "Ivete, Ivete. "With the temperature always high, she introduced "Acelera aê" with a "Te quiero, Buenos Aires," then to receive a shower of Argentine flags thrown on stage by fans.

Without giving up classical exaltations as "out of the ground" and "hit the palm of your hand," Ivete Sangalo also adapted some calls, to ask "Manos arriba!" And "Salta, Argentina!" Before "Sorte grande (Poeira)" one of the songs that thrilled the room. During the song, the Bahian echoed in the Luna Park "tchu, tchu, tcha" which has gone beyond the borders of Brazil and even thrives in some radio stations of Buenos Aires.

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